Hartford Connecticut Prom Venues

HARTFORD Prom Venues


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Prom Vendor Placeholder

Writeup on Prom Venue XYZ


The Riverview

Simsbury, Connecticut

(860) 651-5005

The Treasury on the plaza

Farmington, Connecticut

(860) 678-1353

The Barns At Wesleyan Hills

Middletown, Connecticut

(860) 347-7171

La Bella Vista

Waterbury, Connecticut

(203) 527-4006

The Pavilion on Crystal Lake

Middletown, Connecticut

(860) 347-7171

The Whittemore at Vyne

Middlebury, Connecticut

(203) 518-4000

The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station

Haddam, Connecticut

(860) 345-4100

The Society Room of Hartford

Hartford, Connecticut

(860) 524-0796


Branford, Connecticut

(203) 481-6577

The Barn at Blackstone National

Sutton, Connecticut

(508) 865-7300

StoneHurst at Hampton Valley

Hampton, Connecticut

(860) 377-4816

On the Rocks At Fox Hopyard Golf Club

East Haddam, Connecticut

(860) 434-6644 ext. 305

Aqua Turf Club

Plantsville, Connecticut

(860) 621-9335

Pond House Cafe

West Hartford, Connecticut

(860) 231-8823 ext. 1

Anthony’s Ocean View

New Haven, Connecticut

(203) 469-9010

Wright’s Mill Farm

Canterbury, Connecticut

(860) 774-1455

Wadsworth Mansion at Long Hill

Middletown, Connecticut

(860) 347-1064

Race Brook Country Club

Orange, Connecticut

(203) 389-9521 ext. 212

Wood Acres Farm

Terryville, Connecticut

(860) 583-8670

Lounsbury House

Ridgefield, Connecticut

(203) 438-6962

The Glastonbury Boathouse

Glastonbury, Connecticut

(860) 652-4640

The Garden at The Hops

Derby, Connecticut

(203) 734-1616

Lyman Orchards Golf Club

Middlefield, Connecticut

(860) 347-7171

Saint Clements Castle & Marina

Portland, Connecticut

(860) 342-0593 ext. 207

Lord Thompson Manor

Thompson, Connecticut

(860) 923-3886

Farmington Polo Club

Farmington, Connecticut

(860) 677-7341

Haley Mansion at the Inn at Mystic

Mystic, Connecticut

(860) 536-3400

Saybrook Point Resort & Marina

Old Saybrook, Connecticut

(860) 339-1317

Interlaken Inn Resort

Lakeville, Connecticut

(800) 222-2909


Higganum, Connecticut

(186) 063-88903

Candlelight Farms

New Milford, Connecticut

(203) 648-7346

Bond Ballroom

Hartford, Connecticut

(860) 519-5572

The Waterview

Monroe, Connecticut

(203) 261-0915

The North House

Avon, Connecticut

(860) 404-5951

High Point Gardens

Wolcott, Connecticut

(860) 347-7171

Kingdom of the Hawk Vineyard

North Stonington, Connecticut

(860) 415-9072

Lake of Isles

North Stonington, Connecticut

(888) 475-3746

Testa’s Banquet Facility

Southington, Connecticut

(860) 628-8509

Falls Creek Farm

Moosup, Connecticut

(959) 230-1336

The Mountain Room at Mount Southington

Plantsville, Connecticut

(860) 628-0954 ext. 216

The Mansion at Bald Hill

Woodstock, Connecticut

(860) 974-3456

Georgina’s Weddings & Banquets

Bolton, Connecticut

(860) 512-0492

Prom Vendors Signup


Prom Committees, click here to sign up now

Find the best Prom Venues in these Hartford CT municipalities

Avon, CTEnfield, CTSimsbury, CT
Berlin, CTFarmington, CTSomers, CT
Bloomfield, CTGlastonbury, CTSouth Windsor, CT
Bristol, CTGranby, CTSouthington, CT
Canton, CTHartford, CTStafford, CT
Clinton, CTManchester, CTSuffield, CT
Colchester, CTMansfield, CTTolland, CT
Coventry, CTMiddletown, CTVernon, CT
Cromwell, CTNew Britain, CTWest Hartford, CT
East Hampton, CTNewington, CTWethersfield, CT
East Hartford, CTOld Saybrook, CTWindsor Locks, CT
East Windsor, CTPlainville, CTWindsor, CT
Ellington, CTRocky Hill, CT

Find Prom Vendors within Greater Hartford for these High Schools

A. I. Prince Technical High SchoolGriswold High SchoolPomperaug Regional High School
Academy Of Aerospace And EngineeringGuilford High SchoolPortland High School
Academy Of Computer Science And EngineeringH. C. Wilcox Technical High SchoolPutnam High School
Academy Of International Studies 6-12H. H. Ellis Technical High SchoolQuinebaug Middle College
Academy Of Science And InnovationHaddam-Killingworth High SchoolRegions Secure Hamden
Achievement First Hartford AcademyHall High SchoolRegions Secure Hartford
Amistad AcademyHamden High SchoolRegions Staff Secure Waterbury
Amity Regional High SchoolHartford Magnet Trinity College AcademyRegions Staff-Secure Hartford
Ansonia High SchoolHartford Public High SchoolRham High School
Arts At The Capitol Theater Magnet School (Act)Hartford Residential CenterRobert E. Fitch High School
Avon High SchoolHigh School In The CommunityRockville High School
Bacon AcademyHighville Charter SchoolRocky Hill High School
Berlin High SchoolHill Regional Career High SchoolScience And Technology Magnet Pathway For High School Grades
Bloomfield High SchoolHousatonic Valley Regional High SchoolSeymour High School
Bolton High SchoolHowell Cheney Technical High SchoolShepaug Valley School
Branford High SchoolJames Hillhouse High SchoolSimsbury High School
Bristol Central High SchoolJohn F. Kennedy High SchoolSomers High School
Bristol Eastern High SchoolJonathan Law High SchoolSound School
Bulkeley High SchoolJoseph A. Foran High SchoolSouth Windsor High School
Canton High SchoolJumoke AcademySouthington High School
Capital Preparatory Magnet SchoolKillingly High SchoolSport And Medical Sciences Academy
Cheshire High SchoolKinsella Magnet School Of Performing Arts: High School CampuStafford High School
Classical Magnet SchoolLedyard High SchoolStonington High School
Coginchaug Regional High SchoolLewis S. Mills High SchoolSuffield High School
Common Ground High SchoolLitchfield High SchoolTerryville High School
Conard High SchoolLyman Hall High SchoolThe Bridge At Aces
Connecticut Ib AcademyLyman Memorial High SchoolThe Gilbert School
Connecticut River Academy At Goodwin UniversityLyme-Old Lyme High SchoolThe Morgan School
Cooperative High School – Inter-District MagnetManchester High SchoolThe Woodstock Academy
Coventry High SchoolMarine Science Magnet High SchoolThomaston High School
Cromwell High SchoolMark T. Sheehan High SchoolThree Rivers Middle College Magnet School
Crosby High SchoolMetropolitan Business AcademyTolland High School
Daniel Hand High SchoolMiddletown High SchoolTorrington High School
Derby High SchoolMontville High SchoolTourtellotte Memorial High School
E. C. Goodwin Technical High SchoolNathan Hale-Ray High SchoolUniversity High School Of Science And Engineering
E. O. Smith High SchoolNaugatuck High SchoolValley Regional High School
East Granby High SchoolNew Britain High SchoolVinal Technical High School
East Hampton High SchoolNew Haven AcademyW. F. Kaynor Technical High School
East Hartford High SchoolNew London High SchoolWamogo Regional High School
East Haven High SchoolNew London Visual And Performing Arts Magnet SchoolWaterbury Arts Magnet School
East Lyme High SchoolNew Milford High SchoolWaterbury Career Academy
East Windsor High SchoolNewington High SchoolWaterford High School
Eli Whitney Technical High SchoolNonnewaug High SchoolWatertown High School
Ella T. Grasso Technical High SchoolNorth Branford High SchoolWeaver High School
Ellington High SchoolNorth Haven High SchoolWest Haven High School
Elm City College Preparatory SchoolNorthwestern Regional High SchoolWestbrook High School
Emmett O’Brien Technical High SchoolNorwich Free AcademyWethersfield High School
Enfield High SchoolNorwich Technical High SchoolWheeler High School
Engineering – Science University Magnet SchoolOld Saybrook Senior High SchoolWhiting Forensic Hospital
ExplorationsOliver Wolcott Technical High SchoolWilbur Cross High School
Farmington High SchoolOrville H. Platt High SchoolWilby High School
Francis T. Maloney High SchoolOxford High SchoolWindham High School
Glastonbury High SchoolParish Hill High SchoolWindham Technical High School
Global Experience Magnet SchoolPathways Academy Of Technology And DesignWindsor High School
Granby Memorial High SchoolPlainfield High SchoolWindsor Locks High School
Great Path Academy At MccPlainville High SchoolWolcott High School
Greater Hartford Academy Of The Arts High School – Full DayPlatt Technical High SchoolWoodland Regional High School
Griswold Alternative School

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