

PromVendors.com is on a mission to deliver reliable prom shopping information!

Before Covid, information on where to shop for Prom was much easier to come by, through magazines, periodicals, etc. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case, and the prom world badly needs a resource on where to shop for Prom. At National Proms, we decided to do something about this need.

Prom Vendors is a simple yet robust online directory meant to provide students with up-to-date information on where to shop for Prom. For both Students and the organizing Prom Committees, Prom Vendors cuts through the clutter and points you right where you need to go in order to get right to what you need to buy for your big night!

Learn more

Why we are different

100% Prom Focused

Here at PromVendors.com, we focus ONLY on shops and boutiques that have a significant portion of their business dedicated to Prom.

For Students

Our best-in-class online Prom directory has a complete set of categories dedicated to prom-going Students, both male and female.

For Prom Committees

PromVendors.com also has a unique set of categories dedicated specifically to Prom Committees with respect to who they seek to hire for the big night.

What we offer

For prom-going Students

Here are the vendor categories that will benefit Students

Prom Dress Boutiques

Prom Shoe Boutiques

Prom Accessories

Under Garments

Hair & Beauty Salons

Men’s Fashions/Tuxedos



Men’s Haircare/Barbers

…and more!

See Our Listings

What we offer

For organizing Prom Committees

Here are the vendor categories that will benefit Prom Committees



Disc Jockeys






…and mpre!

See Our Listings